Thursday, June 2, 2016

Organization of Information Jargon

Bibliographic data - at least 3 different definitions based on context:

  • The content of professionally managed library surrogate record collections (e.g. library catalogs)
  • The content of professionally managed bibliographic products (e.g. periodical databases)
  • The content of professionally managed archival surrogate record collections (e.g. archival finding aids.)
Metadata - "Data about data" at least 2 different definitions based on context
  • Specific definition: Non-cataloging bibliographic data
  • General definition: All instances in which data represents other data including cataloging, indexing, search engines, etc.
Collocation - the bringing together/retrieval  of surrogate records according to a criterion. (e.g. pre-filed card catalog drawers: author, title, subject.

[Bibliographic] control - the systematic representation of resources in surrogate form for purposes of their effective and efficient retrieval.

Bibliothecal Organizing - term for the physical layout ("shelf arrangement") of a set of actual resources rather than their surrogates. The actual physical resources, such as books, are themselves collocated according to a criterion.

FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) - conceptual model that specifies entities and their replationships that exist in the bibliographic universe.

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