Friday, May 22, 2015

Ready Reference

A ready reference collection is a collection of materials (books, notes, maps, etc.) that is used most often by reference librarians, and kept in a central area for quick access. As a reference librarian there will be certain questions you get asked often. If you find yourself pulling a certain resource many times in a day (or week), this might be something you want to have in your ready reference.

Types of ready reference questions:

  • Who - sources: telephone books, directories, almanacs
  • What - sources: consumer, citizen, and college guides
  • Which - (interchangeable with what) 
  • When - sources: calendars, history books
  • Where - sources: maps, almanacs, etc.
  • How - 2 types
    • many: sources: census, statistics,etc. 
    • to: sources: how-to sites and books

Relevant readings:

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