Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Classification of Resources III: Research Library Schemes

Classification Definitions

  • Classification - the act of organizing a body of knowledge into a systematic order
    • In libraries: the systematic arrangement by subject of books and other materials on shelves, or of catalog and index entries, in a manner that is most useful to those who read or those who seek a definite piece of information.
      • Shelving device
      • Organization device
Characteristic of a Classification System
  • Inclusive and comprehensive
  • Systematic
  • Flexible and expansive (i.e. hospitable)
  • Employ terminology that is clear and descriptive
  • Indexed
Classified Shelf Arrangement of Books
  • Collocating objective: bringing like things together on library shelves:
    • Subject criterion: But what about books on multiple topics?
    • Author criterion: But what about books by multiple authors?
  • Need a system for the unique identification of resources in open stack libraries through the use of notational systems and call numbers.
Notational Systems
  • Notation marks (aka "classmarks") represent a book's subject class, including its relation to other subject classes in a classification scheme.
  • Most common types:
    • Pure - e.g., DDC employs Arabic numerals
    • Mixed - e.g., LCC employs an alpha-numeric notation
  • Mnemonics:
    • Repeating class notation patterns throughout classification
    • This technique is also used in the MaRC system
Shelf Arrangement and Sub-arrangement
  • Library classification schemes provide:
    • A systematic method for shelf arrangement in open stack libraries
    • A systematic method for sub-arrangement within each class
  • To accomplish this goal, catalogers synthesize (i.e. create) class numbers to represent the subject of a book
  • This process remains transparent to the user (i.e. the user is more interested int he fact that books are collocated on the shelf rather than how the numbers were determined.
Cuttering to Create a Call Number
  • Used to create call numbers (UIs) for individual library collections.
  • Provides the link between the surrogate record an the actual item in the collection
  • Provides for both subject and non-subject (e.g. author) oriented sub-arrangement in open stack libraries. 
  • After the class notation is determined, then the cuttering process begins.
  • Use a cutter table:
    • There may be more than one cutter table floating around!
    • Cuttering is a flexible process; only use table as a guide
  • Steps for cuttering:
    • Determine the first letter of main entry (most often taken from 100 tag; but could be 245 tag)
    • Use number associated with second letter of main entry
    • Add additional numbers until call number is unique 
    • Add date
  • You may have 1 or 2 cutter numbers, BUT you may never have 3.
  • In the LCC, cuttering instructions are given in the schedules:
    • Assists in topical, geographical and other non-main entry-based sub-arrangement
    • Occasionally, this involves double cuttering, thus precluding the use of main entry-based cutters. 
LCC - General Points
  • Mixed notations
  • All letters are not used (reserved for expansion)
  • Subject specialists develop and maintain the class schedules, rather than centralized editors as is the case with the DDC.
  • Designed to meet the needs of the collection of the Library of Congress.
  • Based on literary warrant: Schedules developed with reference to what has been published. 
  • Hierarchical; however, NOT reflected in notation. 
  • LCC Classification outline:
    • Divided into main classes according to academic discipline or areas of study and then into sub-classes representing branches of those disciplines
    • Larger range of letters for History (C-G) and Social Sciences (H-L)
    • Numericals used range from 1-9999 with frequent gaps
LCC is Essentially Enumerative
  • Aspects of subjects are explicitly provided for (i.e. enumerated) in the schedules:
    • More "pigeonholes" created in advance to represent very specific topics and topical aspects.
    • However, tables are also used to synthesize complex class notations (not as often as with the DDC)
  • As an enumerative classification, the LCC schedules are more voluminous than many other schemes:
    • 50 volumes
    • 10,000 pages.
Consistent Structuring: Martel's 7 points
  • Initially, Charles Martel provided basis for consistent structuring across divisions:
    • General forms: periodicals, societies, dictionaries, etc
    • Theory, Philosophy
    • History
    • Treatises, General works
    • Law, Regulations, State relations (now relocated to K)
    • Study and teaching
    • Special subjects and their subdivision from general to specific
LCC has Many Editors 
  • LCC has been referred to as a series of special classifications (though compare with NLM)
  • However, individual LCC schedules are structured identically:
    • Preface
    • Broad outline
    • Detailed outline
    • The schedule, itself
    • Any necessary, auxiliary tables
    • Detailed index
Revising LCC with Topic Subdivisions
  • Constitute the bulk of the expansion of classes and subclasses
  • EXAMPLE: Women Suffrage in U.S. (JK1880)
    • Note geographical subdivision of "Women's Suffrage. Women's right to vote" - in this case, cutter by location
    • Also note geographic subdivision under subtopic "Biography"
Procedures for Revision and Expansion
  • Proposals for changes originate with LC catalogers:
    • Anomalies
    • New topics
  • Some methods for expansion:
    • Using unused letters (I, O,W, X and Y)
    • Adding a third letter (or sometimes a fourth)
    • Extending existing numbers decimally
    • Expanding use of cuttering
General Steps for Classifying with LCC
  • Because of disciplinary aspects of LCC, first check for appropriate schedule to match subject of item in hand and then determine the best class number within the selected schedule. 
  • Class item in hand with similar works:
    • Consult existing records
    • Consult class numbers mapped from assigned LCSH
    • Consult LCC outlines
Classifying General Works
  • Under most numbers with subdivisions, a number is designated for "general works."
Classifying Works on Single Topics
  • Always use the most specific class number that is co-extensive with the subject matter of the work.
  • If no co-extensive number exists, then the next appropriate broader number should be used. 
Classifying Works by Time Period
  • For works treating a topic with regard to a particular time period. For those works spanning two periods use earliest. 
  • DC History of France:
    • DC725 Earliest to 1515
    • DC727 16th century
    • DC729 17th-18th century
    • DC731 1789-1815
    • DC733 1815-1870
    • DC735 1871-1914
    • DC736 1914-1921
    • DC737 1922-
Multi-Faceted Single Topic Works
  • Works covering multiple facets of a single topic.
  • If available, use a class number representing all facets:
    • Idea of the English landscape painter: genius as Alibi in the eary ninetheenth century by Kay Dian Kriz
    • ND1354.5.K75 1997
  • If number covering all facets is not available, go with the emphasized or more prominent facet:
    • Elizabethan mineatures, by Carl Winter
    • ND1337.G7.W5 1955
Classifying Works on Multiple Topics
  • A work on two or three topics treated equally:
    • Use number for the topic treated first
    • QD412.A7 C53 1994 - Chemistry of organic arsenic, antimony, and bismuth compounds
  • A work on four or more topics:
    • Use a general number that encompasses all numbers chosen
    • RA566.3.C48 1992 - Changing U.S. health care; a study of four metropolitan areas
Classifying Works with Phase Relations
  • A work covering the relationship between two topics is classed in the most specific number covering the relationship:
    • QK46.5.H85 P66 2001 - Botany of desire; a plant's eye view of the world
    • QK46.5.H85 - Botany > Human-plant relationship
  • A work covering the influence of one topic on another is classed with the topic being influenced:
    • LA2317.T8 M3 1899x - Henry Tutwiler and the influence of the University of Virginia on education in Alabama
    • LA2317.T8 - History of U.S. Education > Individual biography
Cuttering for Geographical Aspects
  • Geographical cuttering option is often available in parts of the schedules:
    • Use either general or specialized cutter table
    • Visual Arts Education:
      • N353.A-W - General works in Visual Arts in U.S.
      • N354.A-Z - General works in Visual Arts in a state
      • N355.A-Z - General works in Visual arts in a city
Cuttering Sub-topics - "Reserve Cutters"
  • Cuttering by topical aspect is also sometimes available - this is termed "reserve cuttering"
  • Style, Composition, Rhetoric:
    • P301 - General Works
    • P301.3.A-Z - General Works by region or country
    • P301.5.A-Z - Special Aspects A-Z
      • P301.5.134 - Idioms
      • P301.5.P73 - Propoganda

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