Monday, November 28, 2016

What comes next?

I'm FINALLY working in a library! Books! BOOKS EVERYWHERE!

It has taken me quite some time to decide how to move forward with this blog. The intent of this blog was to chronicle my journey through library school, and help those traveling the same path (perhaps even help others decide if they want to take the same journey). Now that I've been in my new position for almost 3 months, I think I've found one direction I'd like to take this blog - acquisitions. Since acquisitions is the name of the game for me, I see so many cool and interesting things cross my desk, so I figure, why not share it with the world?! 

My goal: post an "item of the week" every week. Something that really captures my attention and I think would be really fun for everyone to see books, artifacts, or something neat about where I work! I hope to also add the occasional "What I've Learned" post in here, as this job has definitely been a learning experience, but I've got to decide how I want to structure those first. 

Ultimately, be sure to keep a watch, as I am going to start posting TOMORROW! I already have something really cool sitting on my desk currently, that I think you are all going to love!

Until next time!

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