Tuesday, June 2, 2015

HTML Lists & Tables

Unordered Lists:

  • tag: ul
    • For Example
      < h3 > This list is unordered < /h3 >
      < ul type = "square" >
      < li >Read Book< /li >
      < li > Discuss Topic < /li >
      < /ul >
Ordered Lists:
  • tag: ol
    • For Example
      < h3 > Work your way through these items: < /h3 >
      < ol >
      < li >Read Book< /li >
      < li > Discuss Topic < /li >
      < /ol >
Nested Lists:
  • For Example: (note HTML ignores white space. We are using spaces to help us see where nesting is happening)
    < h3 > Work your way through these items < /h3 >
    < ol >
    < li >Read Book< /li >
           < ul >
                   < li > The Giver
                   < li > 1984
                   < li > Animal Farm
            < /ul >
    < li > Discuss Topic < /li >
           < ul >
                   < li > Dystopia
                   < li > How the past viewed the present vs. how the present really is
                   < li > Government Surveillance
           < /ul >
    < /ol >
  • < table > - starts/stops table
  • < tr > - creates table row
  • < td > - creates an individual cell
    • For Example:
      < table >
      < tr >
      < td > The Giver

< td > 1984 < /td >
< td > Animal Farm < /td >
< /tr >
< /table >
  • To add table border:
    • < table border = "_" >
    REMEMBER TO CLOSE ALL TAGS! Working with lists and tables creates more tags, and can lead to confusion. Be sure to close all tags before moving on. 

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