A Few Terms to Keep in Mind
- Hand-Tagging - plain text tagging without formatting and graphics. User working with a text editor (notepad, text edit, etc.)
- IT Fluency - an understanding of the underlying concepts of technology and the critical thinking skills needed to select from multiple formats (hardware, software, and media) for optimized knowledge building
- HCI - (Human Computer Interaction) a discipline concerned with the design, evaulation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the stufy of major phenomena surrounding them
HCI in action |
- GUI - (Graphical User Interface) what we see visually on a screen (webpage, etc.)
- HTTP - (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) the channel through which we send and receive information on the internet
- HTML - (Hyper Text Markup Language) Marking up for display via:
- Tags - the markup of words (making it bold, itallic, etc.) which adds value
- W3C - (World Wide Web [W3] Consortium) Governing body of HTML
Creating and Editing a Webpage
Note: there are spaces within the tags, as without it Blogger creates the webpage. There should be no spaces within tags
- Open Text Editor
- Begin with basic tags - tags always starts with < and ends with >. Open tags look like and closed tags look like
- HTML tag - < HTML > - denotes start & stop of HTML content
- Head tag - < HEAD > - creates a header (user usually doesn't see this content)
- Title tag - < TITLE > - Title of the webpage
- Body tag - < BODY > - what is displayed within the web browser itself
- Paragraph tag - < /P > - creates a new paragraph on website
- Headings tag - < HN > - Creates headings within the document N is a variable for font size. Sizes can go from (H1[Largest] to H6 [Smallest]) NOT to be used within paragraph tags
- Line Break - < BR > - creates a line break (line break tag does not need a close (< /br >)
- Bold tag - < b > - bolds text between
- Italics tag - < i > - italicizes text between
- Underline tag - < u > - underlines text between
- Document type tag - < !DOCTYPE html > - declares what type of document and what version of html being used (w3schools.com is a resource listing all document tags)
- For example:
< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE > Learning Libraries </ TITLE>
< /HEAD >
< /HTML > - Save as "index.html"
- Open file in browser to check the page is working
Editing/Entering Content
- Open file in text editor
- Enter/edit content
- For example:
< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE >Learning Libraries < /TITLE >
< /HEAD >
< BODY >
< P >< H4 >< i >Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.< /i > < /H4 > < BR > < H5 >- Neil Gaiman < /H5 > < /P >
< /BODY >
< /HTML > - Save content
- Open file in browser to see if your edits are applied and page is working properly
Content needs to be nested within the content for example:
- Incorrect : < b > < i > Google Rocks! < /b > < /i >
- Correct : < b > < i > Google Rocks! < /i> < /b >
We can ensure this is correct and validated at validation sites (e.g. http://validator.w3.org)
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